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Boone Putney

Software Development
Random Musings
Austin, Texas

HumanPlanet Soleer

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I’ve already posted a few times about the usefulness of the jsonb field type for PostgreSQL 9.4+. A related function I love is json_agg(). It allows you to aggregate grouped jsonb fields into a valid json array. Below is a quick example on how to use it:

Example Database

1 Table: user_attributes
2 +--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+
3 | id [integer] | user_id [integer] |   attribute [jsonb]   |
4 +--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+
5 |            1 |                 1 | {"first_name":"John"} |
6 |            2 |                 1 | {"last_name":"Doe"}   |
7 +--------------+-------------------+-----------------------+


1 SELECT user_id, json_agg(attribute) AS attributes
2 FROM test
3 GROUP BY user_id


1 +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2 | user_id [integer] |               attributes [jsonb]                |
3 +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
4 |                 1 | [{"first_name": "John"}, {"last_name": "Doe"}]  |
5 +-------------------+-------------------------------------------------+